On September 16th the international telework day was celebrated. In Costa Rica, teleworking is regulated in Law number 9738 Law to regulate teleworking promulgated on September 18th, 2019. Additionally, there are a series of decrees and MTSS guides that serve as a reference for its implementation within Public Institutions and companies private.
On the occasion of the international telework day it is necessary to remember some important and essential elements for the execution of a telework model:
1-Prepare a telework policy or protocol that establishes the requirements, conditions and scope of said modality for the clarity of employers and collaborators
2-Sign a telework contract or, where appropriate, an addendum to the contracts previously signed with the collaborators
3-Check if the people who will carry out their work through this modality have the necessary skills and competencies to carry out their tasks by teleworking and if the position carried out allows it without seriously affecting the operation.
4-Check if the domicile of the collaborators has the physical and technical conditions to carry out telework
5-Establish clear metrics and indicators to evaluate collaborators during teleworking tasks.
6-Train and raise awareness among employees about the proper use of telematic tools and ICTs in general
Teleworking is a novel work modality that allows companies to save operating costs, as well as expenses for collaborators, allowing in turn to improve the efficiency of business management and generate a work-family balance for employees.
Currently, during the Covid19 emergency, teleworking has been a fundamental ally for companies in order to comply with health prevention and protection measures, without seriously affecting production and keeping the services of the respective institutions and companies active.
If you want to know more about this work modality and implement it in your company, feel free to contact us via Rolando Perlaza Pérez (rperlaza@signaturelex.com)

Author: Joaquín Picado